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Our Price: $4,200.00

Availability:: Usually Ships in 6 to 8 Weeks
Product Code: JGRNT

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This snare drum is one of the crowning achievements for our small drum company. It is a 45 pound close combat weapon of a snare drum. It is made from cast steel that is Precision machined to a perfect cylinder. This specific Juggernaut model is a hybrid. It is a 3 piece shell spliced together, the top and bottom being cast and machined steel with the center section being segmented Calico Walnut.

It features a thin roundover bearing edge for plenty of energy transfer to the Shell, excellent articulation, and huge volume.

The model pictured is a 15 x9 with our handmade, rolled and welded carbon steel Hoops with claws. It features 24 strand puresound wires and a George way beer tap throw off.

We can make these drums in 13, 14, and 15 diameters and any depth that you may want, with or without the hybrid wood shell.
We're so proud of this drum, it took an incredible amount of work and research to get to this point. We're beyond ecstatic to be able to offer it you.
Hear her roar!